Falcon Asphalt Repair is Now an Approved BuyBoard Vendor

Falcon Asphalt is pleased to announce that we have been awarded a BuyBoard® contract through the National Purchasing Cooperative (National Cooperative). Our contract is for:
Proposal Tabulation No. 685-22 — Construction, Road and Bridge, and Other Related Equipment
You’ll find us listed as “Falcon Road Maintenance Equipment, LLC” on page 31 of the Award Report located on the BuyBoard® website. We’re offering a 10% discount to all members.
The BuyBoard® National Purchasing Cooperative was formed to streamline the buying process for municipalities, public schools, and other governmental organizations.
Purchasing through BuyBoard® will allow you to comply with your legal purchasing requirements. BuyBoard® vendors have already undergone a competitive procurement process and have been awarded a contract for services and products.
Members can take advantage of bulk discounts and the ease of purchasing through a website.
Click below to learn more about BuyBoard® and how your school or government organization can become a member.
The MiDEAL Advantage
The MiDEAL Extended Purchasing Program provides opportunities for members to leverage the contracts established by the State of Michigan.
2600 W Salzburg Rd
Freeland, MI 48623
Phone: (989) 495-9332
Fax: (989) 495-9342
(989) 495-9332
(989) 495-9332